Cambridge School of Art Degree Show 2019 – UNFOLD


Every year, Anglia Ruskin and the Cambridge School of Art hold a Degree Show that represents the culmination of three years of study showcasing their best work. Over 200 graduating artists display their talents to the public as they prepare to enter the world of work. The opportunity of creating the identity for the Degree Show was given to a fellow student and I, for the year 2019. 

The task was to design a coherent and consistent visual identity across all of the publicity materials for the Degree Show, the Fashion Show and the Arts Picturehouse screening, that ties a wide range of work in together.

Our aim of the project was to grab people’s attention by creating visually striking graphics combined with a lot of negative space to spread the word about the show, all across the city. This is achieved by creating an effective and consistent set of promotional materials across print and social media platforms.


The Rise and Fall of Newspapers


Experimental Posters